Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Gorgeous Pair of Eyes

On my way to celebrate Acong's 21st advance birthday party today, my eyes instantly locked at this one gorgeous pair of eyes I've ever seen in my life. Dare I tell you, it really feels like it is love at first sight. Up until now, I'm still having goosebumps whenever I think of those mesmerizing eyes. God, please let me bump into him again one day and let his eyes lock into mine. Hmmm...I could only wish. I told Syaky about this, she said I was in awe with his eyes just because he's wearing a mask (H1N1 alert), and that I can't see his whole face. She made a good point there but then again, that is exactly probably one got to show only your eyes. To me, eyes are the greatest way to show who you really are. That is why when i talk, I always look into the eyes of the other. Now that is a real communication! But, purdah2 is not required though. I mean, eyes are one of the first features that I look when I first met somebody. It can tells so much about you with so little effort. I'm having eyes fetish now..hahaha.

p/s: a good nose doesn't harm either. It is a plus, actually.


An Ikram said...

I thought u told me that one's teeth are the first feature you look when u first met somebody.

sekarang ni I dah confuse. You totally got blinded by the mask! I taknak imagine-lah teeth dia. haha.

There's always a reason why one wears mask. 1st, of course, H1N1 tingy. 2nd, bad teeth thingy.

Ok babe, no offence! Saja nak kasi goosebumps you hilang. je t'aime!

nadzirah said...

Funny funny!!

If he hadn't wear a mask, I'll be looking at the teeth too. But I tgk eyes gak. Sometimes I look at both. Mcm mane I bley tgk both at one time? U g blaja sendiri.

Goosebumps dah hilang dah...

An Ikram said...

I check out their bottom first! Baru la goosebumps tak hilang.