Saturday, November 21, 2009

The 04:49 Post: Living High

Since the exam is at the junction of the frightful area of my life, it has been a norm for me to doze off early and wake up in the middle of the misty night to get my daily dose of taxation and financial accounting. Thus, today is no more unusual than any other day except I have new post coming out at 4:49 am.

Right now, this very moment, I feel like talking (or typing) about living high. Not high on drug or cannabis or hashish, but high on love and positivity instead. Just like the words of Mraz; which are "live high, live mighty, live righteously, taking it easy." I think we should all do just that. Just start focusing on the good things in life. Getting high on laughter and love (and occasional weed smoking*). Just be grateful for what we have, stop hating the haters. Talk to your neighbor. Say "hey, neighbor! Nice day huh?!" You don't have to be all chummy but you would want them to help you in case flood hits your house. Smile to strangers, perform random act of kindness. Give flower to strangers (yet to try this), always say thank you when you are paying at the counter. You don't need to be a saint to make others happy. Just be the happy you and the world will follow.

To all the readers reading this, please read it with a happy heart because I am writing it with my heart full of happiness and love. Sending to all of you ray of positive vibe through this. You are loved!!!

*Weed, ganja, marijuana, cannabis, hashish and all recreational drugs are illegal in Malaysia. Thus, smoking weed is highly unrecommended.


An Ikram said...

Let's move to Amsterdam, where recreational drugs are legal. =)

rEd-Remains.The.Same~ said...

Move to Amsterdam?You guys need to bring me too! =D

nadzirah said...

Mari mari. Babe, i nak try la smoke weed while we are there nanti. Hehe...

Mesti la i ajak you ifa. You kan the ambassador. Hehehe..

An Ikram said...

I taknak try weeds.

Kesian my lungs, i sayang my lungs more than i sayang Mot.

Anys, i dont think mama ipa bagi permission bawak dia. lol.