Friday, March 25, 2011

LOVE LIFE!!! in love with my life right now, I don't even need a guy like I always need one before. (Maybe I speak to early.. I still need the opposite sex) Anyway, life and the world have been wonderful to me so far. I did what I always wanted to do and that is to go to Europe. Yup, I WENT TO EUROPE! I am overwhelmed by the whole experience and still is. Wearing my I HEART PARIS and I HEART ROMA shirts whenever I have the chance. The whole experience is still fresh in my mind. Where exactly I went, it doesn't really matter. It is how I got from one place to another, the journey, the people that I met along the journey and with whom I was there with. Those are the things that make a trip so fascinating and meanigful. One thing that I said throughout the journey was "It adds to the whole experince." No matter what happened to us during our trip, whether it was good or bad, those were the words that I uttered. I even laughed when I got pickpocket-ed in Paris.

The whole point of having a trip, at least to me, is to discover yourself. And that just what I did during the whole trip. I learned that I not only have to take care of myself, but I need to make sure my partner was okay and that our poor stomachs were always filled. I also need to make sure that not only we were comfortable in each of our hostels but also with each other. I learned to be patient and not to think of myself all the way.

All in all, the trip was fabulous. Paris-Amsterdam-Berlin-Prague-Munich-Rome-Luzern-Paris. Though it was short and frantic trip, I am very satisfied. To set foot in a foreign country is a gift that I will forever be grateful of. And to make the whole journey interesting, I always hummed Jason's songs. It was like as if I had a set of playlist in my head. Funny! Pictures are to be uploaded as soon I get it from my partner. (I didn't bring camera..stupid of me).


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cabbages, tomatoes and 2011

My last post was on 1.1.2010. So, it has been one whole year since I last post something on my now-spider-web-filled blog. Shame shame shame, I should get thrown with cabbages and tomatoes. Okay, I am not going to give any reasons. Simply lazy. Teng teng teng!!! Can't believe I just admit that I'm lazy. I was too selfish to admit that I am before but I guess huge amount of my ego are left in 2010.

Re-activating doesn't only mean to be active in blogging, but it also applies in my general life. How am I going to do that? I have no idea myself. Let's leave it to the world to do it's magic. All I know I just want to be happier and to love people that I love more than I did. (too much's confusing). Anyway, I promise I will try my hardest to make 2011 one hella good year. So, bring on the cabbages and tomatoes! I'll come up with a god damn salad out of it.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Is it 2012 already?

To those yang dapat my new year's wish..I'm so sorry. Ada sedikit ralat. It is actually 2010, not 2012. Maybe I was damn eager to see what's going to happen in 2012. Yela, kan ada rumours nak kiamat la bagai. Haha. Anyways, 2009 was a great year. Got to meet some new friends that I instantly can get along with, went to a concert of a lifetime, went to backpacking trips with bunch of people that I adore and cherish. Had bbq meant to celebrate my steel-free mouth. But my dentist is one good prankster so almost a year after the bbq, then only the braces came off. Bowlings and movie marathons were our weekly routine. Birthdays were always remembered and celebrated in the most creative ways. (Is the zoo still open?) I wonder if 2010 allows us to continue on with our crazy/kinky journeys?

Well, things will definitely not be the same in 2010. The traveller has emancipated from her guardians. The lil' sis and the joker are no more an item. Gloria's looking for a job..and her moto-moto too!! Muallaf had what-a-guy-not-supposed-to-have removed. So, things are different in 2010 but I know one thing that would not change: MY LOVE TO ALL OF YOU. All of you are my siblings by choice.

Deep down inside, I'm wishing hard that 2010 wouldn't get jealous of us. I hope our reputation during 2009 was impressive enough so that 2010 can let us to continue our journeys with extra craziness and kinkiness. May you guys get what are you aiming for and pick up some good things along the way. Let us all live 2010 in harmonious and peacefully. (Additional crazyness wouldn't hurt either!)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fattening my bank account.

My account balance is getting lesser and lesser but still I somehow always pay a visit to the teller machine and draw some notes out. Then, when I reached home, the guilt feels up my head and heart and I took a vow not to visit the teller machine next time I go out. But guess what? I don't stick to my vows. Lalu, asyik berkurangan saja lah balance saya.

Duit itu perlu sebab I believe that money CAN buy you I not right? Jadi kalau duit dah berkurangan, I akan selalu fikirkan ways untuk tidak membuatkan balance itu makin berkurang. I realised that I travel a lot..short trips or long trips, semua involves money. Jadi, I have to work really hard untuk menaja cost travelling tu. And by doing this, I have found many creative ways to gain money. Tapi you must have a set of parents and a brother yang sanggup bayar upah.

God blessed me with wonderful parents di mana kalau I basuh a car, akan diterima RM5, kalau vacumm dalam kereta, tambah lagi RM5. Balut hadiah for wedding pun I charge RM5...which is totally cheap considering I kene papercuts. Cuci toilet RM5 per toilet. Kalau all 3 toilets I cuci, dapat lah RM15. Plus, I help my mom with her baking, so I get RM100 per month. And kalau I terjumpa duit syiling kat atas lantai ke, kat meja ke, I akan terus claim.

I may sound like seorang yang tak malu asyik mintak upah je but as long as orang-orang yang I minta upah tu is willing to pay me, why not kan? Lagipun I bukannya suka-suka minta duit, I have to earn the money. I tak kisah tangan kecut-kecut and kena papercuts, asalkan duit masuk. However, I'm looking for a 9 to 5 work next year and yes, it's for my travel account. Lepas ni, orang dah tak boleh nk marah-marah I kesana kesini sebab I use my own money.Hahahaha!!!

p/s: Tabung europe trip semakin hampir ke target. Wohoooo!!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The 04:49 Post: Living High

Since the exam is at the junction of the frightful area of my life, it has been a norm for me to doze off early and wake up in the middle of the misty night to get my daily dose of taxation and financial accounting. Thus, today is no more unusual than any other day except I have new post coming out at 4:49 am.

Right now, this very moment, I feel like talking (or typing) about living high. Not high on drug or cannabis or hashish, but high on love and positivity instead. Just like the words of Mraz; which are "live high, live mighty, live righteously, taking it easy." I think we should all do just that. Just start focusing on the good things in life. Getting high on laughter and love (and occasional weed smoking*). Just be grateful for what we have, stop hating the haters. Talk to your neighbor. Say "hey, neighbor! Nice day huh?!" You don't have to be all chummy but you would want them to help you in case flood hits your house. Smile to strangers, perform random act of kindness. Give flower to strangers (yet to try this), always say thank you when you are paying at the counter. You don't need to be a saint to make others happy. Just be the happy you and the world will follow.

To all the readers reading this, please read it with a happy heart because I am writing it with my heart full of happiness and love. Sending to all of you ray of positive vibe through this. You are loved!!!

*Weed, ganja, marijuana, cannabis, hashish and all recreational drugs are illegal in Malaysia. Thus, smoking weed is highly unrecommended.

Friday, October 16, 2009

12th Question of the 12th Round of 12 Questions..and it was on Oct 12th!!!

For those who know me , I am a really really huge fan of Jason Mraz. I follow his blog : ff5000 and his twitter. So, every Friday, for the past 12 weeks, Jason would ask his followers to throw him questions via Twitter. He will pick only 12 to be answered on his blog on the following Monday and there're only 12 round of this. Thus, for the past 12 weeks I have throwing him questions. Questions like "would you choose your surfboard over guitar", "would you rather be cremated or buried" and "what would you do if you're the prez of usa". But none of my questions got picked. At one point, I almost give up, but i told myself, never give up on Jason Mraz (monolog dalaman..hahaha). So I kept tweeting in questions for him.

Then, the Friday of the 12th round came. Like usual, I asked him "besides your music, what do you wish to be remembered for?" Then I signed out from my twitter. Hang with my friends, went back to Arena, celebrated Syak's and my birthday party. I didn't bother to check my twitter at all. Partly because there were no Internet to be found..hahaha.

Anyway, I came home on Thursday. Check my mail and my blog. Then I clicked ff5000 to read J's answers for those questions that he picked. I wasn't hoping anything...really! Then, as I scrolled down the screen, I saw my twitter name which is nadiette. Omigod omigod omigod!!!!! He picked and aswered my question. And he posted in on Oct birthday!!! I see it as his present for my 22nd birthday!! Up until now, I still couldn't digest the fact that he had chose my question.

Here, I paste my question and his answer from his blog.

nadiette: Besides your music, what do wish to be remembered for?

I hope the Eulogy goes:

He lived poetically,
He loved romantically,
He laughed authentically,
And he cried unapologetically.

I will write his Eulogy (which I don't know what that means by the way) and I'll frame it. Those are his words for me and me only. Now, I can die happily.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Blowing 22 candles!!!

Not technically candles. I did blow a lighter though. Very symbolic huh? Anyway, guess what? It's my birthday today!!!! I'm turning 22 today. Had a blast spending the day with my kid brother. I also met few new friends from Gambia and Bangladesh, I think. They were really funny and cool. I have to give credit to Syak for this new adventure.

Ifa told me (texted) that the birthday bash for Syak and I will be on this Wednesday. By the way, Syak birthday is on Oct the 11th. Funny huh?

My parents got me a watch. has been a long time since I had one. The usual lot also have found something for. But I can't wait to see what Syak got for me since she has been scratching head for a really long time.

Ok, I think that's all about it now. I have exactly 3 hours left to enjoy my birthday. Peace out!!!

p/s: Aizat (kid brother) wants to send his thanks to Syak for teaching him the Rubik's cube thing. Sangat jeles mereka tau sesuatu yang I tak tau. Damn it!!!