Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I have extra sunshine in my life, want some of it?

Lately, people around me have been very gloomy, like the weather now. There must be someone dwelling on something and I feel so helpless. I can't say or do something to ease their pain. But, as a friend, I feel I have to do something to make sure they know that I am here. I don't know when 's the right time to console, what are the words I should say or what exactly they wanna hear..or don't wanna hear. I'm afraid I'll say something that might hurt them more.

Maybe I'm bad at consoling people. Direct consoling doesn't work for me. I am the type that analyze the problem, process it, digest it, then only I can come up with a great advice that I sometimes use during bad weather. But, like after we digested our food, we only get crap. So, sometimes i give crap too.

Not to be self-absorbed or anything but I don't think I have something to dwell on. I mean, life has been pretty fair towards me and it's too precious for me to focus on things that would not be beneficial. But, it's only my two-cents, you know. Being positive isn't that easy but it's definitely not hard. Get your own happy songs, dance to it, shout every words of it and at the end, you feel less crappy. Or if you are not the dance type, just do whatever that can make you happy. You can go for a dip, sweeping your room or even cry, if that helps you. If nothing works, just have a quick slideshow in your head of people that you call your friends. It might help..

Like I said (typed), I have extra sunshine in my side of life. Those who need it can always come and you don't even have to ask for the sunshine. Just take it. It won't do me any harm. In the mean time, i'm sending loads and loads of warm sticky hugs!!!

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